Good on you Greenpeace keep up the hard work to protect. If your out there trawling illegally in protected waters and catch a boulder, you can only get what you deserve. I think this is marvellous. Our oceans are being raped and very few are doing anything about it. We have a huge problem with illegals fishing us out around Australia too. Mostly Asian countries raping our resources and protected areas. Victoria (Australia) banned bottom trawling for Scallops in Port Phillip Bay many years ago. Recovery was slow but the Bay is vastly better off now. Human (Musk)-kind want to create a new life on another planet, yet, we could not even look after, maintain and protect what we have in our own backyard. The boomer Fishers believe they are entitled to the ocean without repercussions because they will be dead by the time they drain their industry dry. Conserve for future generations, oh wait boomers can't think of anyone but themselves.
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