Well done Greenpeace! Oh and not to mention the possibility of sinking the boat, murdering the crew and placing the rescue personal in danger when they attempt the rescue. Whoever thought up this idea is an eco terrorist! And im not saying people shouldnt have freedom in what they eat. But we all need to take a huge look at the methods and sustainability of what we eat. Do we need to eat meat everyday do we need to eat fish everyday. No. For me its about knowing the damages that eating those resoirces has..and to act responsably when doing so. Craig Cameron yes they do how think they get on the beach when they get rounded and smaller they get wash on to the beaches plus they leave dangerous nets there you look that up loose netting does to marine life and if capsize a boat you can loose life and all the chemicals are going leak in the sea putting boulders there is a bad idea if going do it you hanker some blade that cut the net open the net get retrieved and no damaged is do to boats or marine life.
